Jim Keyes–Views From Island Discount Tackle 04-12-2013
Island Discount Tackle: (941) 779-2838

—–Well, it’s Friday and our judging crew has determined that this week’s CANAL MONSTER SNATCH award will recognize the ongoing and often futile attempts of Johnny Mattay to tame the beasts in our favorite canal!
—–Johnny has completed many a canal slam, bringing a single-day combination of catfish, pinfish, toadfish and gut-snagged mullet to his delighted family’s table after his shift behind the counter at Island Discount Tackle.
—–Lately, he’s been working his fishing wizardry on the elusive canal snook and you can see the results for yourselves! We will certainly be honoring this fine young man and his occasionally victorious canal campaigns with a delicious beer (or two) out by the shrimp tank this evening and we may have a spare cold one if you’re in the neighborhood!!